Recaps from 10/15/2011 and 10/22/2011
After finishing up Dungeon Module G2 the Glacial Rift of the
Frost Giant Jarl with our high level group, we decided to take a break from the
high level game and start out with a new group of characters in a first level
game. This was mostly to get a fresh
start since more than half of the players in the last group joined after we had
reached around 5th level or so and so didn’t have an opportunity to
start their low level characters from scratch.
So once characters were rolled up, we began the game in the gleaming
City of Caursetti, Capital of the God King in
the Kingdom of Raegeleth
which lies in the north of the Archipelago along the western coast of the island of Rhaghaera. We were all part of an order of monk like
warriors called the Brotherhood of the Black Crowes and were basically
indentured servants to the order for a period of 20 years. The Brotherhood was in service to the God
King and served as his elite troops in times of war and were based out of a fortress
called Iron Keep in the Falconbridge neighborhood of Caursetti, one of the
nicer neighborhoods in town.

Vizier Proldier who recruited and trained us, told us our
training was complete and that our squad was to report to the office of Hroldave
the Vizier for our first assignment. So
the group went over to Hroldave’s office and first he congratulated us on
completing our training. Then he told us
the Brotherhood had an important mission for us. We were to sail to a distant island called the
Island of Farault.
There we were to locate a number of very large Thugee Rune stones which
were said to have magical properties and make charcoal rubbings of the stones
on large sheets of parchment, and bring the rubbings back to the Brotherhood. He went on further to say that the reason for
the mission was that our leader, a Thugee warrior named Grumlor, was sick and
some even went as far as to say he was cursed by the gods. There was said to be potent healing magics
contained in the inscriptions on the rune stones which were thought to be able
to heal him, and it was of the utmost importance that we return at once with the
rubbings once obtained so that a cure could be effected. He wished us good luck and made sure we were
supplied and ready to go and sent us on our way.
After a boat ride of a week or so, we finally arrived at the island of Farault to look for the stones. The group consisted of Rollo, a dwarvish
fighter/cleric, Sulethri a half orc fighter/cleric, Illundria a gnomish
Illusionist and Fauna a human Ranger, Viktor a Thugee Fighter, Amul the Monk, and my character Finolthir the elf (Labyrinth
Lord Elf class). We put ashore in a
skiff and noticed that something was following us in the water which looked
almost humanoid in shape. We knew there
were Sea Devils about (Sahugin) and even heard tales of Mermen and Mermaids but none of us had ever
seen any. After the boat was pulled
ashore they swam away down the shoreline away from us and out of site. We trudged ashore and found a well worn path
running down the center of the small island and chose to go right. After a ways, we came across a very unusual
scene – there was a large group of kobolds coaxing on several very large draft
lizards that were pulling several very large rune stones that had been bound
and moved onto skids for transport! This was exactly
what we had come to the island to seek and there they were before us. Even stranger, the kobolds appeared to be
lead by a Duergar warrior, one of the evil deep dwarves of legend!

Seeing our prize at hand we didn’t hesitate and attacked the
group in order to secure the stones! Unfortunately,
we lost initiative and the Duergar, who turned out to be a Druid, cast entangle
and several of our group was held fast by the vines and plants that quickly
sprang forth from the ground to entwine around their arms and legs! Fortunately, after the initial setback, we
finally managed to take down the bulk of the kobolds with a well timed sleep
spell. The Duergar proved to be another
matter entirely – he was a stout warrior and led the remaining kobolds in a
pitched battle. A few of our number were hurt badly, and things were looking grim for a time, but the group finally
managed to slay the leader and the remaining kobolds including most of the ones
that were asleep. We proceeded to loot
the bodies and then took rubbings of the stones to take back to the ship. We left one kobold alive to question and he
told us there was a village down the other end of the path from the direction that we had
just come from where we might find more of the rune stones.
We asked him where his group got the stones from initially and he indicated the direction
that we were headed on the path, so we led our captive along the trail to the place where
the rune stones were originally dug out of the ground. It appeared that there were still a half
dozen or so left but there were still several more, including the
ones we had found along the path previously, that had been dug out and
relocated recently as evidenced by the freshly shoveled soil. So we proceeded to make rubbings
of these stones and decided to start heading back to the ship since it was
nearing the end of the day, since we didn’t want to spend the night on the island due
to the dangers. On the way back we
encountered another group of kobolds and our prisoner was killed in the melee
but we made it safely back to the ship.
The next session we picked up where we left off but with a
slightly different set of characters. This
time we had Amul the Monk, Sulethri the half orc Fighter/Cleric, my Elf Finolthir
and a different fighter but Rollo our Dwarven fighter/cleric, Illundria our
gnomish illusionist, Viktor the Thugee fighter and our Ranger Fauna were not able to make it to shore due
to an illness they had contracted on the island. We soldiered on despite being short handed.
We returned to the island for the second time and made it to
the crossroads of the two paths and went left down the trail this time, since that's where our
now deceased Kobold captive said the village was. This turned out to be a lie of course - we
should have expected nothing less from the lying little Kobold worm. What we found instead were four stone behive
shaped huts which actually turned out to be burial structures (like the ones
found in
Ireland). On the way there, we were attacked by seven
small kobold zombies! Horror gripped us as we realized that several were likely to be the very same kobolds we had slain only the day before! We killed a couple
and the cleric managed to turn the rest and we pressed on towards the
"village" before they returned.
When we got there we found out that it wasn't really a village at all or
at least a living village anyway. We
entered the first beehive/hut/tomb and shortly after we went in, the rest of
the kobold zombies returned and we had a short but savage melee at the entrance
to the place where we managed to slay the rest.
The tomb had been previously looted and contained no treasure.
We went to the second tomb and entered it and surprised a
group of two kobolds and another Duergar who turned out to be a cleric this
time. In the chamber with them were some
recently opened tombs and the remains of the dead scattered about. They had clearly just looted the tomb and we
managed to surprise them. We concentrated
our attacks on the Duergar since he was the obvious leader, and either Amul or Sulethri rolled a 20 and he was killed pretty quickly. We then killed one
of the kobolds and the other ran away.
Tony told us afterwards that he was a second level cleric and that we were
incredibly lucky to have killed him so quickly but our other fighter was badly

So we went to the third beehive shaped stone tomb and
entered and were greeted by a bizarre sight - there was a Dragon Ogre
standing on the sarcophagus that was shouting and gesticulating wildly about
something in Draconic. The sarcophagi
appeared to be the last missing stone since it had Thugee runes all over
it! Finolthir determined that dragon
ogres are extra planar beings, so this thing had somehow been brought to this plane
through a gate of some sort, probably by the same method as the Duergar from Nifelheim. Finolthir attempted to speak to it in
Draconic but it was just spouting off gibberish - something about a Loki
worshipper (the Duergar) but it was mostly incompressible nonsense. So we backed up and left the structure to
figure out what to do, since it didn't attack us or appear to threaten us except
with its insane tirade. When we started
discussing what to do, it came out and attacked us! So we had another pitched battle and managed
to kill it pretty quickly (I think Amul or Sulethri rolled yet another 20).
We gathered up its loot (it had some gold and a few magic
items) and made our last rubbing of the rune stone and our mission was
completed. There was one last beehive to
investigate, but we decided to quit while we were ahead since we had
accomplished our mission and the fighter was hurt (Sulethri failed to cast a healing spell
since his Wisdom score was so low he had to roll for spell failure when he cast it). Rather than just head back at that point, we
decided to go back to the island the next day to see what was in the last tomb
hoping to find more treasure.

When we arrived the next day we found it to be sealed
meaning the kobolds and dwarves hadn't looted it yet. We set about opening it up which required
removing some rocks and entered.
Unfortunately, there were two ghouls inside (and no treasure!) and a
desperate melee ensued. We managed to
kill one but the fighter/cleric failed his turn check and then was paralyzed. We hurt the other badly but then the fighter
was also paralyzed. Things were looking
grim so Finolthir stepped up to try and deliver the killing blow since Elves
are immune to Ghoul paralysis, but unfortunately, they aren't immune to claw,
claw, bite (three attacks) which resulted in six hit points of damage and he
was down and awaiting the dreaded death and dismemberment roll (he only had
three hit points to begin with). So then Amul the Monk backed up into the light and fired his bow and missed. The ghoul came at him but he retreated
outdoors and it didn't follow, but went back to dine on one of its victims which
turned out to be the Finolthir so he was now dead. The other two were still alive though and the
Monk went back to the door and in to try and kill it (it was either try or let
all three die) and he rolled a 20 to hit it with his bow and managed to kill
the last ghoul!
So it went down to the wire but three of the four characters
managed to survive. On the one hand, we
probably shouldn't have gone back - our mission was accomplished with minimal
casualties and we found some treasure to boot.
On the other hand, we were greedy and thought there would be more
treasure there but there wasn't, and one character died but it could have been
much worse. Three twenties rolled by the
group helped us to avert disaster in the end and the loss of one first level
character was not the end of the world – I rolled up a new Elf wizard to
replace him for the next session.