Recap from 11/4/2011

The Brotherhood of the Black Crowes had a new mission for
our young group of warriors. Vizier Melkot,
the master in charge of affairs of an arcane nature for the Crowes, needed us
to escort one of his associates to a keep on the edge of the God King’s realm
along the border with the wicked realm of Malithorn. The
Raegeleth on the
island of
where the God King reins supreme had been in a near constant state of war with
the forces of the
of Malithorn, part of
which was also on the island. Malithorn
was ruled by their evil and most likely undead leader Ravishar the
Undying. For as long as anyone can
remember the God King’s country and army has been at war with the minions of
Malithorn. Some of the combatants are
humans of Volkyr or Thugee descent but a large percentage of his army is
comprised of evil humanoids of various types sworn to serve him. The last full blown war was merely three
years ago, though most of the regular and more recent incursions have been on a
much smaller scale. These incursions usually
consisted primarily of small scouting and raiding parties sent forth by both
sides to test the strength and gather information about the enemy. On both sides of the border there are arrayed
a number of baronies and dukedoms granted by the two rulers to these petty Dukes
and Barons for the sole purpose of guarding their border outposts against incursions
by the forces from the other side.

One such border outpost was a rather large fortress or keep
and a small town by the name of Orcwald.
Our orders were to escort one Rallemon of Illimus to the outpost and
town of
safely, wait for him to conduct his business there, and then to escort him
safely back to Caursetti. Rallemon was
an arcane spellcaster of some sort and he was known to have many enemies,
particularly among the forces, assassins and spies of Malithorn who would like to see him
dead. Therefore, Vizier Melkot
explained, it was of the utmost importance that we escort him safely to and
from the border outpost in order to protect him from his many enemies. As we were leaving Caursetti, we had to
travel through the Grimward district of town after leaving the Iron Keep of the
Brotherhood within the city. Grimward is
a rough neighborhood in Caursetti adjacent to the dock districts. As we were travelling past the many ships
moored along the docks we couldn't help but notice that one of them was a
Thugee privateer by the name of the Demon’s Echo and Captained by one Titus
Blackwell. The Demon’s echo was flying a
black flag with a skull and flames that day as we walked past her mooring. It is rumored that the ship and crew are of
questionable origins and are thought to be pirates by the common folk.
As we were passing the area where the ship was moored, we
were accosted by a rather large group of Thugee sailors that were most
definitely crewmen of the Demon’s echo out looking for trouble. We told them we didn’t want any trouble and
tried to warn them off but they attacked us anyway in broad daylight! We did our best to protect Rallemon, for it
was pretty obvious that he was the one they were after, and a fierce battle
ensued. In the end it took a sleep spell
to take down the remaining group of pirates that weren't killed in the struggle
though several of our comrades were wounded as well. So with this abortive attempt to leave the
city disrupted, we returned to Iron Keep to seek healing for our wounded and to
give the brotherhood our captive Thugee pirates to be ransomed back to their
people for attacking us and causing an armed altercation in the city of Caursetti. The proper authorities were also notified
about the altercation of course.

So finally, we had all of that taken care of and left town
post haste since it was getting late and the fight with the Thugee had delayed
our departure. When we arrived at a
travelling Inn in a small hamlet along the way, the innkeeper tried to warn us
away by saying he was closed, but we insisted that we were paying customers and
soldiers in the service of the God King, and urgently needed accommodations so
he let us in. His mood was improved when
we offered to pay him double his customary rates for a stay at the inn. During the night, we heard a loud noise
downstairs and Viktor the Thugee went down to investigate, sword in hand. It appeared that we had been followed as more
Thugee, probably from the ship, were asking to be let in to stay the
night. The Inkeeper was trying to tell
them it was too late and they would have to wait until the next day but they
were pretty persistent and wouldn't take no for an answer. When they saw the large Thugee come down the
stairs wielding his weapons and ready for battle, they thought better of the
idea and left the inn post haste. We
never heard from or saw them again but our guess was these were the enemies of
Ralleman that the Vizier had warned us about and were likely spies of Malithorn
as well. So we did our job and kept
Rallemon safe.
After another day of journeying along the road, we finally
arrived at Dungeon Module B2 the Keep On the Borderlands! Once there, Rallemon went off to take care of
his business and we started investigating our new environs at the keep and the small
town of
Orcwald. We immediately went to the tavern and ordered
drinks and accommodations and started hearing rumors of a series of Caves
nearby called the Caves of Chaos from which no adventurers had ever returned! This piqued our interest and then we heard
another rumor that said “If you get lost, beware the eaters of men”! This was followed by yet another rumor –
“Beware the Mad Hermit!” and yet another rumor that “a magic wand was lost in
the caves”. We were very interested in
the caves at this point since we had some time to kill while waiting for
Rallemon to take care of his business, so we decided to buy some provisions and
adventuring gear and seek out adventure and wealth at the Caves of Chaos!

We followed the well worn trails as best as we could from
the descriptions we received from the bartender at the inn and soon enough we
entered a box canyon with a multitude of caves at different altitudes all
around the canyon. So we decided to go
into the first cave on the left and shortly after we entered, we were greeted
by an avalanche of spears and javelins and heard shouts of “Bree Yark”. This was followed by more shouts to the right
of us from another passageway, and it was apparent that we were about to be
attacked from two sides simultaneously.
To make matters worse, we heard something very large and angry coming
from the direction of the goblins on the right hand side with the goblins
urging it on and shouting words of encouragement. We returned a volley of missiles after a
number of our group had been hit and the spellcasters prepared to cast their
sleep and color spray spells – but then the rest of the group thought that
discretion was the better part of valor and withdrew from the tunnel leaving
the wizards standing there all alone to take on the onrushing goblins! Seeing their protection flee before them the
wizards and the illusionist aborted their spell casting and fled as well to
avoid being killed or captured by the goblins.
It was apparent that we made the right call to fall back
especially with reinforcements coming from the other side to flank us and hem
us in. Had we tried to tough it out in
that fight, we probably would have all died so in the end it was the right
call. We returned to the keep having located
and ventured into the Caves of Chaos and boasted upon our return that we were
the first adventurers to ever return alive from the Caves of Chaos! Of course once back, we found out that that
was really a jest and that plenty of adventurers had in fact returned with loot
and stories of all of the evil humanoids that they had had to fight there,
though a number of them had not returned.
Based on our recent experience, we were well aware of the dangers,
having narrowly escaped the caves inhabitants to fight another day.
Not much chance of you seeing this after so long but great account of your campaign.
ReplyDeleteI was a bit confused about the party so I harvested it from a later chapter. I think it is as follows: Viktor the Thugee Fighter, Sulethri the Fighter/Cleric, Fauna the Ranger, Rollo the Dwarvish Fighter/Cleric, Amul the Monk, Lorinar the Elvish Wizard, Illundria the Gnome Illusionist and Ragnar the Thugee War Wizard.
So, four Fighters--and a Ranger among them(!), and two of them Multi-class Clerics, a Monk, two Magic-Users and an Illusionist. That's a solid party to be sure for B2.
When I ran it for my family, they had two Rangers, a Dwarvish Fighter/Thief, a Human Magic-User, a Human Fighter, two NPC Clerics (not the betrayers), an NPC Halfling Fighter/Thief, a pair of 0-level archer hirelings, and the Magic-User bought a war dog from the provisioner. Numbers count, as your group discovered!
Interesting that you didn't play out the finding the caves, and the wilderness encounters. But I guess with a Ranger and people knowing the caves were there, why not just go right for it I guess. DM prerogative for sure.
Just as your group did, mine went for the Goblin cave. The way I played it, with two Rangers, they were able to see what tracks led to what cave, which took the "not knowing what cave was what" out of the equation.
Same deal, they hit the intersection and it was on like Donkey Kong. A difference I put in was the goblins threw the ogre the sack of coin and sent him around to the entrance, which is awful for the party. Fortunately for the party, he fumbled and fell--tight quarters, roll of 1, failure on dex check--and the adventurers jumped him when he was down.
The death of the ogre broke the Goblins' morale so some of them retreated and barricaded themselves in the common room to the right and some of them fled to the tender mercies of the Hobgoblins up the stairs. My party followed them upstairs, got in a big old fight in that first room, killing the occupants. One got away, bringing the whole lot down on the party, who then barricaded up the door with a bed that I'd placed in the room.
This was bad news for the hobgoblins reacting from deeper within the lair because the three of them in front trying to push in were exposed to the whole party's arrow fire. The hobgoblin chief called off that nonsense and negotiated a prisoner release if the party would get the hell out of his house.
Always fun and interesting to see how it played out with another group!