The session began with our group having just discovered the
trip wire for the net trap in the entry hallway to the third cave on the right
side of the box canyon. We decided to set off the net trap
intentionally to set up a trap of our own!
The monk used a grappling hook and a rope and we all stood back at the
cave mouth before he pulled the trip wire.
When the net fell, there were all kinds of noisy bells and cans attached to it that made a huge ruckus and acted as an alarm, and we started screaming like we were
trapped in the net and saying things like "Oh god, I'm trapped in the net - help!"
Not surprisingly, a
bunch of orcs showed up but we managed to surprise them and Illundria and
Ragnar cast sleep and color spray and knocked them out and it was over real
fast (about nine orcs went down). After
the brief surprise attack in the entry corridor, we made our way into their lair
and their humanoid womenfolk attacked us and we killed them but let the young ones
go. Afterwards, we went down the right
hand hallway and an Orc guard sounded the alarm and ran into a room and we
followed him.
There we fought with the
guard, a few more orcs and the Orc’s tribal leader. The leader was a big burly orc who could
both swing his sword and throw his axe in the same round, and in one round he
threw the axe at Viktor wounding him badly and then followed up by landing a
powerful blow with his sword and killed him!
(The damage totals for both the axe and sword were a 7 and an 8 -
ouch!) After the battle, the player
playing Viktor rolled a 4 on his death and dismemberment roll (from Troll and Flame's Death and Dismemberment Table), and the result
was that he lost his arm and bled out despite our attempts to save him - OH THE

When we finally made it back to the caves, Rollo suggested
that we see what was in the hidden cave behind the foliage on the left side of
the valley this time. It was immediately
to the right of the goblin’s cave that we had retreated from the first time we
visited the Caves of Chaos, so we figured it may have been another less obvious way into
their lair. We went into the tunnel and
into a cave beyond and fought a very large Ogre briefly until Amul pulled his
heart out and then took a bite out of it - he succeeded in using his Monk's death
blow and killed him in round two with his bare hands!

Hi Dan! I lost some blogs after a blogger snafu made me rebuild my list from scratch. Gotcha added back!
ReplyDeleteCool, thanks man! I was getting a lot of traffic from your site a while ago. I'll post some new game art here soon including some drawings I did for the Shire module.
ReplyDeleteHah--I am just now figuring out this was written by a player not the DM. I don't know how I didn't realize that sooner. Imadoofus.
ReplyDeleteSuper pro approach to that trap. Kudos! That's player skill right there. Then following up with the ruse and the sleep spell and color spray pretty much lead pipe cinched the initial contact and set up the situation for victory.
Dayum! Viktor met his match! I take it Skeorn was Viktor's player's replacement character? Cleric was a nice add--seems like a little more healing was in need by this group.
Giant ants! LOL Love it.
Also :0 on Amul's death blow against the ogre! LOL
Did the party do any leveling up or was this a straight through level 1 run? My group had occasion to level up at the keep, availing themselves of higher level NPCs to train them (and drain off much of their treasure, as I imposed the 1500GP/level training ponzi scheme thing from the DMG).