The predominant human races found in the archipelago are
the Thugee and the Volkyr peoples who are also two of the three primary human
races found in the World of Averlorn. The Volkyr resemble the people of Egypt in both appearance and culture while
the Thugee are a warlike race that bears some similarities to Norse Vikings
found in Europe during the middle ages. Amongst
the islands of the Archipelago can be found yet a third major race – that of
the Sea Elves. Living amongst the Sea Elves are Elves of other castes
typically found in Elven society.
The third primary human race in
Averlorn sometimes found in the islands consists of the men of Ardrois stock
such as those found in Thebos and similar civilizations such as Chalcyx, Ertris
and Manthinea. The Ardrois dwell
primarily on the mainland and in coastal areas and cities such as Harbor Reach
and Zarathus, and further inland. They are modeled after the ancient
Greeks and Romans and even Germanic peoples in both appearance and culture.
The Volkyr – In the Archipelago beyond the Shallow Sea the
dominant culture is that of the Volkyr and their stalwart allies the Sea Elves.
These two communities have lived in peace since the earliest days of man's
recorded history, a situation unique among the various tribes of humanity and
demi-humans alike. They share technologies, many customs and to the casual
visitor it appears that the Volkyr (folk of the sea) have modeled many aspects
of their culture after those found among the sea elves. The Volkyr aren't
ancient Egyptians so much as they are a fantasy culture which posits
Egyptian-esque culture in a medieval setting. They style themselves as
the most civilized of the human cultures concentrating more on trade then on
warfare. The Volkyr are a Polynesian
like people who originally migrated to the Archipelago from the southern
islands of the Great Banks among others.

Physically, the Volkyr are a dark-skinned race of humans
with black hair and piercing dark eyes. They are on average a bit smaller than
the Ardrois folk and not as muscular as the average Thugee. They are exceptional
seamen and ply the waters the Shallow Sea in their sleek triple-lateen ships.
Volkyr weaponry is finely made and shows a distinct Elven influence. They favor
the longer Elven spear style, the subtle curve of the Elven Sword, and the Sea
The Volkyr are a pious religious people who worship their
great leader the God King along with a dizzying array of Egyptian gods –
Anubis, Ra, Set, Osiris, Horus, Isis, Bast (the Cat God), Sobek (the crocodile
got) among others. The Volkyr hold a patronizing view of the Thugee
people – they say the Sons of Loki are three times cursed though they are
tolerated in Volkry society as many Thugee dwell amongst them in their
settlements. Blue dragons are sacred among the Volkry people, which is a
long standing tradition. Wizards often seek out blue dragons in order to
learn from them the ancient Forgotten Lore spells of antiquity lost through the
sands of time. Players seeking out Blue Dragons for such knowledge may
use any charisma bonus they may have while speaking with them to help determine
how cooperative the ancient wyrms may be about such queries.

To the Sea Elves, the Archipelago is considered
their ancestral homeland though part of it is currently under the guardianship
of the Volkyr. There exist several small Sea Elf kingdoms and holdings scattered
about the Archipelago on some of the smaller islands.
The Sea Elf Kingdoms of the Archipelago - The Sea Elf King or
Archmagi holds dominion over three principle realms, holding court according to
an ancient schedule understood only by the elves themselves. The exact nature
of governance employed by the sea elves is quite mysterious and appears to also
be part of some long standing tradition of rotating kings. Within each realm
lies one of three magnificent Elven Sea Towers which is the local seat of
authority for each realm perched ever watchful on the cliffs above the endless
The Kingdom of Alatheon is actually an island which lies to the north of
the island of Rhaghaera , while the Kingdom of Golfyria lies to the
west. Lothalyn is quite distant, lying in the southwest of the Archipelago far
closer in fact to the mainland. It is a single kingdom spread across a vast
stretch of islands. In spite of the vast distances and their relatively slight
population, the sea elves are actually the dominant political power in the
Archipelago. This is due largely to the unusual number of dragons found in the
islands and their deference if not outright servitude to the sea elves. The Sea Elf Court and
all of their kith and kin enjoy the favor of both Io and his son Bahamut due to
ancient pacts and favors from times lost to the remembrance of other sentient
races. Naturally, the preponderance of
dragons in the area has resulted in far fewer Dragonships in the skies of the
islands than might be found elsewhere in Averlorn.
The Sea Elves maintain a series of trading settlements,
outposts of a sort. These are always found near the communities of their Volkyr
allies and with names such as Tol Alatheon or Dur Alatheon, they are the source
of some confusion among men. Nadsul il Alatheon is a trading outpost on a small
island not far from the Ardrois city of Harbor
Reach and is something akin to a military outpost
given the assaults and raids it has endured over the years. The Sea Elves are
quite fond of the Volkyr, but view Thugee as little better than Orcs and the
Ardrois of the City States with great suspicion.
The Sea Elves are often at odds with the Thugee and there
exists racial enmity between their two peoples as the Thugee seem intent on
raiding their holdings and generally causing them harm when given the
chance. The enmity that exists between elves and the Thugee (the Northmen
of Averlorn) is long standing and encounters are usually a “no quarters asked,
none given” sort of affair. In matters of warfare and defense, the Sea
Elves favor the Elven Longsword, the Sea Bow, and the Elven Dragon Spear.
More info about the Sea Elves, the Elven cast system and Elven culture in
Averlorn can be found here:
The Thugee – the Thugee are a
Viking-inspired race of sub-humans, strong of limb, but dim of wit, possessing
brutal features and slightly pronounced canine teeth. They are the Norse
raiders of the Middle Ages raiding the coastline and islands in their sleek and
sturdy long ships and striking terror into the heart of their victims.
They can be found in the Archipelago living alongside the primary native human
race of the area - the Volkyr, and in a few scattered clan holdings in the
north of the island chain.
Though the Thugee often raid in the Archipelago and are
viewed as savage barbarians by most civilized cultures, quite a few have
actually settled in the area. Although they are not the native or
predominant race of humans, their numbers are on the rise due to continued
raiding and settlement activity, not unlike the Vikings that settled in
England, Russia and other places they raided in our world - in the end they
were just looking for a better life than the harsh cold north. Their
ancestral homeland can be found in the distant Northern Reaches of the mainland
along the coast and in a region called fallen Leutra where the ancient reptile
races once held sway.
The Thugee are fantastic sailors, navigators, ship builders
and explorers who ply the coasts in their long boats in search of plunder and
better lands. Their weapons of choice include the bearded Thugee Axe
(hand axe – also useful as a throwing axe), the Battle Axe, the Great Sword,
the Broadsword, the Spear, and the Short Bow while they typically wear chainmail,
Norse helms and carry large round wooden hide covered embossed shields.
The Thugee in the Archipelago are scattered among the
islands like the pebbles along the beach. They have a few permanent communities
in the islands immediately off the coast of Fallen Leutra
at what one might call the edge of the Northern Reaches. They are not given to
city building and rarely dwell in communities larger than a few hundred
families. They view any non-Thugee as inferior and a source of goods, slaves,
wives, etc. A considerable number of Thugee have fallen under the sway of
Ravishar resulting in a daunting presence of Northmen residing in Malithorn.
Still others have found their way to Caeursetti and environs and now live in
relative peace as subjects of the God King.
I read this and researched a bit on Vikings. Turns out, Vikings may have invaded Egypt during 1200 BC. I think some of the murals depict snake-like boats with people holding axes in them.
ReplyDeleteWow - that's pretty cool. I had no idea the Vikings made it that far south but it seems to be pretty well documented. It seems like there are few places that they didn't reach in their sturdy wooden longships. For instance, they raided Constantinople at one point and were finally let in and eventually served the Roman Empire as the imperial guard if I remember my history correctly. They also raided and pillaged their way accross Russia as well which is a little known fact.