We started off by searching the area around the first secret
door that we had found previously. We found
spy holes looking out over entry area, rotted ropes and levers that did nothing
when pulled. Ragnar the Thugee War
Wizard and Skeorn the Thugee Cleric got a rash from a yellow mold like
substance that they touched while searching rubble in the corner. We also found large stone feet on the steps
outside above where the destroyed statue used to be.

There was another Thugee barbarian warrior that had recently
arrived at the village from the ship and he joined the group in Ragnar’s
place. So we headed back to Taboo Island
in our canoes and resumed our search of the Temple of the Gods. Several party members climbed back down into
the room below the trap door and resumed the search. Amul the Monk used his speak with animals ability to talk to
the cobras and asked them if it was OK if we searched the statues and they said
it was OK as long as we didn't bother them.
Besides, they said we were too big to eat and they were sorry they
killed our friend but that he had startled them and they were merely acting in
self defense.
So after searching the room, one of the elves found a secret
door in one corner of the room but we didn't open it right away. Also, Skeorn had set off a pressure plate or
something that caused a portcullis to fall over the only other portal out of
the room. The fighter types combined
their strength to try to lift it but couldn't get it to budge. Skeorn opened up a door in another corner
that had a puddle of water on the floor around it and sure enough, just like we
feared, the room quickly filled up with water which flooded down the hallway
past the portcullis and we were forced to wade in waist deep water from that
point on since the entire floor was now flooded.
So we opened up the secret door and came out into a hallway
at a three way intersection. This entire
area was now flooded as well. We traveled
down one of the branches of the hallway with Skeorn the Thugee War priest and
our new barbarian comrade in the lead. The
corridor went on for a ways and then we went up a short flight of stairs to a
landing and down a short flight of stairs to a continuation of the
hallway. Once he got to the other side
of the hallway beyond the second set of steps, he felt something brush up against
his leg and then was attacked by three normal sized crocodiles! After a brief melee, the three reptiles were
killed by the two warriors with some help from the monk and one of the elves
wielding spears and afterwards we resumed our search. At the end of the long hallway was another
flooded room in which there was a very wicked looking mace hanging on the
wall! Skeorn picked it up and kept it
since it was even more wicked looking than the one he had and looked like the
kind of weapon that would suit a Thugee War priest of Odin!
The group searched the room and the barbarian found a small
purse with some gold coins in it and a couple of small coral statues that appeared
to be worth a decent amount of money!
Aside from these items though, there was nothing else in the room. We resumed our search and back tracked back
to the three way intersection and went down another passageway. This hallway was lined with a group of cell
blocks on both sides with wrought iron bars from floor to ceiling and locked
gates designed to keep prisoners in, though it had long ago been
abandoned. At the end of the hallway we
found a torture chamber that was similarly abandoned and there were old decayed
and rusty implements of torture lying about.
So we went back out into the hallway and down at one end there was a
door that Skeorn opened.

As he started walking up the stairs through the continually
decreasing depth of water over them, he was attacked by two very large giant
crabs that swam up out of the depth of the water of the room and tried to maul him
with their four giant pincers! So Skeorn
had no armored protection aside from his shield and during the fight, they
managed to cut him up a little, but fortunately, he had help from the archers
and wizards across the room on the landing on the other side who pin-cushioned
the giant crustaceans with arrows while the two wizards hit them with magical
missiles. We managed to kill one and
hurt the other badly enough that Skeorn was able to finish it off with his
Once the crabs were defeated, he was joined by the
barbarian, the Monk Amul and Lorinar the Elvish wizard and the four swam across
the room after him searching the deep water briefly. While swimming across the water the barbarian
spotted what looked to be a giant dead crab on the bottom but didn’t think
anything of it so the three continued across to join Skeorn in the hallway on
the other side. With Skeorn leading the
way, the group made its way past some apparent rat tunnels in the walls and to
another door at the end of the hallway.
Skeorn entered the room with the barbarian and it appeared to be empty
so he started heading to the door on the other side of the room.
As he was walking through the waist deep water, he stepped
over a tripwire and suddenly a gout of burning oil gushed out of an opening in
the wall into the room and the hallway beyond burning the four characters with
an oily substance that stuck to their skin!
(kind of like Napalm!) As the
four retreated to get away from the burning oil floating on top of the water,
they continued getting burned until Lorinar realized that going under the water
actually helped to put the fire out. So
the four party members were burned a little but not too badly. After a few healing spells were cast, the
group resumed their search. This time
Skeorn swam over the trip wire to get to the door beyond and didn’t set off the
trap again. When he opened the door, all
of the water that had recently flooded the hallway and the other areas beyond rushed
out and flooded out into the hall knocking Skeorn off of his feet, and he was
pushed into an iron portcullis 10’ down the hall beyond. He was a little bruised and battered but
otherwise all right.
After the water drained out of the hallway we could see that
beyond the portcullis was a stair leading down and another door on the left at
the top of the landing. We could also
clearly see the trip wire on the floor that set off the burning oil trap which
we could now simply step over. He opened
up the door and in the hallway beyond was what appeared to be a well going down
further into the earth with gouts of heat and steam billowing up from it! Whatever was down there was boiling and hot
and best to be avoided. The barbarian
easily jumped across the well and Skeorn carefully went around it hugging the
walls. Beyond the well was another
really long passageway which the two followed until they came to the other
portcullis at the other end in the first room with the statues in it! So they retrieved their armor and put it back
on and went back around to the rest of the group that was still waiting in the
larger room above the large flooded room that the others had previously swam
While the other characters were waiting for the four to
explore the area beyond the deep water in the large room, and after the water
had receded quite a bit when it drained down the stair case, they noticed that
what we had previously though was a dead crab in the middle of the room was in
fact a very large clam! At this point we
realized that we had most likely found the location of the fabled giant black
pearl that we were sent to retrieve – it was likely to be found within the shell
of the giant clam! So Skeorn and the
barbarian showed the rest of the group how to circumvent the deep water by
going down the other hallway without having to swim and the group descended the
stair case beyond the second portcullis at the landing. When we got to the bottom we noticed it was
very hot and steamy due to all of the water running down the staircase into the
heat of the room below. We surmised that
there was some sort of natural heat source down here like lava or boiling
geysers or something. So we decided to
go back up the stairs for a bit until the steam went away or diminished a bit
and our allow our Monk to attempt to extricate the giant black pearl from the
maw of the giant clam…
Great adventure, great encounters. Can't wait to see what happens next...
ReplyDeleteHi Dan. Loving this lay reports. But in answer to the question you sent me on 28/4/13 (just noticed it today) I'm afraid it's all coincidence. The closest I've ever been to Virginia was Buffalo, on the Canadian border.
ReplyDeleteCool, thanks. I was just wondering because our GM used to do a lot of Warhammer a few years back and a lot of those guys read my recaps.
ReplyDeleteHi Dan. Any chance we can get a breadkdown of the current party by class and level. I know some of the original characters hit level 3 a good while back (going by the stinking cloud spell at least). I'm wondering where they are now.
ReplyDeleteI think we were about 4th or 5th level or so in this adventure. The group was:
ReplyDeleteRollo dwarven fighter/cleric
Abscondias Human Wizard (Volkyr)
Sierra Human Paladin (Volkyr)
Amul Human Monk (Volkyr)
Skeorn Human Cleric (Thugee)
Human Thugee Barbarian from UA (was playing Ragnar who died in previous session - not sure of name)
Lorinar Elvish Wizard (my character)
Also, the GM had a Sun Elf warrior he was playing as an NPC
Keep in mind our lineup is fluid (people change characters, they die or different people swap in and out on occasion) which is why I don't try to keep up with all of that in recaps.
We played 3 more modules after this and reached about 8th-9th level and then decided to do a one-off adventure and then moved on to a new campaign. For whatever reason, we usually end up getting bored with it if we play the same characters for more than a year. We usually don't go much past 9th or 10th level though the group that did the G2, G3, D1 and D2 made it pretty high - my fighter was 16th level by time we called it quits though he was the highest level of the bunch (and he started off at 1st level!).