Recap from 7/22/2011 Averlorn Session (Part 1 of 2)
After our second foray into the Halls of the Blind we took some time off for the winter for a much needed rest. After we split up the loot from the foray, each of the group members went back to their city or town of origin to ride out the winter before the anvil was completely snowed in. Beorn the Bahkshanni dwarf returned to the deep Dwarven halls hidden away in the mountains of the anvil. Gradwin, Evelyn, Asclepius, Cyrcla, Taleth and Kaira returned to the city of Medea’s Gate where they were originally from while Teth-en-Aire and Lucias returned to the city of Ptoleph on the northern edge of the Anvil to winter over. It was here that Lucias was granted lands and a title having finally attained named level (9th level fighter).
Lucias was granted the title of Baron by the Duke of Ptoleph. Previously, he had been granted the title of the Marquis of Stormcall Ridge in the Gorgon’s Trench for taking part in the events that ended up saving the region from being overrun by a horde of undead zombies (see previous recap The Midnight Opal of Shadar from the Barrow Mound of Gravemoor module by Expeditious Retreat Press). The land was not worth very much except for the occasional turnip farm so he hadn’t spent much time there afterwards as a result. Besides, it was so far away in a remote backwater of the trench that it was hardly worth the trip.

So during the official ceremony held by the Duke of Ptoleph Lucias was granted his official baronial title. He was to be thereafter known as Lord Lucius Artorius Petreius the Baron of Dunweilding north of Ptoleph in the service of the Duke of Ptoleph, and the Marquis of Stormcall Ridge in Spirythol. The last bit of official business to attend to was to name his younger brother as the Marquis of Dunweilding to manage the affairs of the region in the event of his absence. This was a happy day for the Petreius family who had moved to Ptoleph when Lucias was a youngster to get away from the rat race that is known as the city of Grand Oryx. His father was particularly proud as he was just a simple merchant who had built up his business from nothing in the City of Grand Oryx to rise above the squalor. Once his business was established and prosperous he eventually relocated to the city of Ptoleph after he had made a name for himself as a successful and wealthy merchant. Seeing his son named as a Lord was more than he could have hoped for from one of his offspring.

So when we went to see Marut to settle up this debt, he told us they still had not found the book that they lost previously and required our assistance to recover it. More than a year ago the surgeons had contacted us about possibly hiring us to attempt to recover a very powerful and dangerous tome that had been lost when an airship went down on the way to the city of Harbor Reach on the eastern coast. The ship is believed to have been downed near the village of Chapoi across the Forger’s Runnel River in the Anvil. The Ancient Tome has beaten brass covers and is 16” x 12” x 6” thick and was stored in a chest with a latch. To the west of Chapoi, a two days hike, the Wild Moon tribe of goblins holds sway and may have had something to do with the downing of the ship. They ended up sending someone else out to try and locate the book but it was never recovered. We ended up turning down their offer of employment at the time in order to explore the Tower of Zingalis instead and the other group never managed to locate the tome. This was before the Ranger Taleth Flavius joined the group and we were ill suited to attempt an overland adventure of this type at the time. We would have had a hard time just trying not to get lost, much less trying to locate a lost book in the wilderness.
So through divination spells or perhaps even with the assistance of the Oracles, the surgeons managed to locate the tome and it had been moved a great distance from the original wreckage of the dragon ship which was later found near Chapoi. The information they had discovered revealed that the book was to be found in the treasure trove of a great Frost Giant leader located high in the snowy peaks of the Pillars of Defiance – the great mountain range far to the southwest of Medea’s Gate which marked the southwest boundary of the Anvil of the Gods. He also told us that we were forbidden to even open up the great tome as it could be dangerous to us. Marut arranged for the group to receive a number of healing potions and we purchased enough provisions for two weeks and winter clothing so that we could survive the extreme temperatures of the snowy peaks. We were then flown via dragonship to a site near the glacial rift and dropped off at the drop zone where we were lowered down to the snowy ground below. We were told that the ships would return to pick us up every three days and were given the means and method to signal them at the site when we were ready to be retrieved from the barren snowy peaks one hour after sunrise on the pre-designated day of retrieval.
So, with our quest at hand we trudged our way through the snow to find the rift of the frost giants. The ranger managed to find an ice cave nearby which we would use as a base for our forays against the frost giants. The cave was highly defensible, particularly against giants because it had a small entrance and was hard to locate from the outside. From the ice cave it was another 3-4 hour hike using snow shoes through deep snows to the glacial rift itself hidden within the valley of the glacier. So after resting up from our first hike from the drop zone and establishing our base camp, we set off to explore Dungeon Module G2 the Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl.
Another excting read. Thanks for sharing your adventures again.
ReplyDeleteThis recap was mostly background info but we've played this module for five sessions now. I'm a bit behind on the recaps but plan to post them over the next week or two since its been a seriously fun module to play in and reminds me of the games we played when I was a kid. We started out with eight to ten 7th to 9th level characters (including a few 6th level henchmen). Most of the characters were only 7th level when we started with the exception of the 8th level assassin and the 9th level fighter making it very challenging. Several have leveled up since then.